Saturday, November 26, 2005

The wisdom of Virginia Woolf

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." - Virginia Woolf

I wasn't planning on blogging tonight -- I just meant to skim through my RSS feed then get ready for bed. It so happened though, that I found the above quote on "The Accidental Hedonist"(it's the first blog in my feed list). Kate Hopkins is actually starting to grow on me, even though I admire the culinary arts from afar. I'm rather a "frustrated foodie," so this blog allows me to experience culinary delights vicariously.

Anyway, Virginia Woolf expressed so eloquently that which I always inarticulately whine about: that hunger leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering..." Hehe. Seriously though, I become masungit when I am hungry. Well, either masungit or just downright iyakin.

My favorite story to illustrate this is my twentyfifth birthday. I was rushing to meet a deadline, feeling an immense amount of pressure, and worst of all, running on an empty stomach! Save for the fact that I had a wonderful lunch at Cafe Bola (penne with chorizos and parmesan cream... my favorite!)
with my bestfriend, it didn't really feel like it was my birthday. By late afternoon (still far from finishing at that point), I was drained, stressed out, and starving -- but it was nothing the Hersheys bar Jane gave me couldn't fix. So imagine my brokenheartedness at learning that some of my officemates had eaten my only chocolate bar. It was an honest mistake -- they thought I had given it to them -- but it was just too much for my empty stomach and broken spirit to take. And so there I stood, at the reception area of Ayala Museum, a 25 year old professional... crying like a little girl. The happy part is that one of my dear, sweet colleagues rushed to The Coffee Bean to get me a slice of chocolate cake. I said that wasn't necessary, but I guess I looked so kawawa that he insisted.

There ends my little story. Haha. The moral is... don't let Gloria get hungry or else she will cry. And you can bet I won't be able to think well, love well, or sleep well on an empty stomach.

Ooooo... I think my next entry will be about food. I've been missing Makati a lot lately, largely because of my friends who still work there, and partly because I miss eating out. Next up: Missing Makati: The Food Special.


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