A Little Something to Look Forward to
Dear Diary,

Isn't she pretty? :) I've never had a Mac. At my first job, we had the iMac that looked like an alien and a couple of G4s, none of which really worked all that well. Maybe we got lemons, I don't know. Bad experiences notwithstanding, I'm still super excited to be getting a new laptop. Sleepless nights tinkering with new toy, here I come.
It has been nearly three weeks since my laptop died on me. I am sad and frustrated. I am at the office right now, working much too late from here, instead of from home as I had grown accustomed to doing. Oh, plus, the MS Word and Outlook on this PC have decided to acquire the habit of hanging every half-minute. Which is why I'm blogging instead of working like I'm supposed to (drums fingers on desk, waiting for Word to become available again).
The only thing that's keeping me sane (and from bashing my head against this computer) is the happy thought of what's coming my way, hopefully within the next couple of weeks:

Isn't she pretty? :) I've never had a Mac. At my first job, we had the iMac that looked like an alien and a couple of G4s, none of which really worked all that well. Maybe we got lemons, I don't know. Bad experiences notwithstanding, I'm still super excited to be getting a new laptop. Sleepless nights tinkering with new toy, here I come.