
I am now officially hopelessly, insanely, and obsessively hooked on Grey's Anatomy. I watched the entire first season twice within 6 days (some episodes as many as thrice; some scenes, too many times). Oh, and because pirated DVDs are the way they are... my Season 1 box set includes 3 odd episodes from the second season, so I've gotten a sneak peek! Heehee. Too bad I have to wait several months before Season 2 hits the small screen here. Booo. Will you listen to me? I haven't been this hooked on a series since the days when I'd record Friends and ER on our VCR then watch the episodes over and over again. Little by little, I'm going back to my TV junkie roots. Hehe.
I've been doing a bit of surfing, reading articles about and early reviews of Grey. I seriously resent the comparison to Ally McBeal. Not that I didn't like that show -- I followed it pretty religiously through its first few seasons. But Ally herself was annoying most of the time and a little too unreal and crazy to sympathize with. Although some people seem to find Meredith annoying as well, I just don't see it. I love Mer. Maybe it helps that Ellen Pompeo is so darned pretty. And tall, too. Seeing her with her long, always-messy hair drives away the temptation to chop my locks off.
Before you start thinking I'm going the other way... I would like to profess my love for Dr. McDreamy! I actually don't know if I have a crush on Patrick Dempsey or his character or both of them. (SPOILER WARNING) After what Derek did to Meredith though, and seeing him kiss Addison... I like Derek less. Poor Mer. The girl never knew what hit her. See, even dreamy TV guys are jackasses sometimes.
His charcter's flaws aside, Patrick Dempsey really has gotten so much better with age. He's gone from being the dorkboy in Can't Buy Me Love to this oh-so-hot-and-yummy-manly-man with amazing hair you can only dream of running your fingers through and cute stubble you can only dream will tickle you. Haha. Stop it na.
I'm going to call it a night... Need to make up for lost sleep as I was up watching Grey until the sun came up this morning. Eh gad. I need therapy. Or... neurosurgery!!! As long its Dr. Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey doing it! Wahaha!!! Zzzzz....
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