Monday, December 05, 2005

Tsunami Dreams

To see a tsunami in your dream, represents that you are being overwhelmed by some repressed feelings or unconscious material that is rising up to the surface. You are experiencing some unhappiness and emotional instability in some waking situation.

This year, I've had three tsunami dreams. The first was around June. In that dream, I was with my family in a house by the beach... As the water levels rose steadily and the waves started to get larger, I tried to mobilize everyone, to get them moving to higher ground. It was a horrible dream -- a family member died in it, not because of the waves but because of a heart attack. I woke up crying and had to call my best friend immediately. Telling people at work about the dream also drove me to tears.

The second tsunami dream wasn't too long ago, maybe even just a couple of months back. It was amusing, more than anything. The characters were a mix of highschool classmates, choirmates, and old Ayala colleagues. We were on our way to church (in Magallanes, of all places) then had to turn back because of the rising ocean waters. This dream involved a lot of climbing and trekking. Thankfully, no one died in this one. It was just utterly bizarre.

Then there's last night's epic dream. It was probably the longest dream I've ever had! It was more like a movie than anything. The struggle here was pretty much the same as the first two: the journey to higher ground. I refer to this particular dream as "epic" because it involved several modes of transportation (a white L300 van, a jeepney driven by a very wrinkled old man who I think was European, and a boat that was originally the jeepney) and running from mummified dragons (think Donkey's girlfriend in Shrek only covered with a white cast).

The funny thing about all of the dreams is that in each one I actually had time to prepare for the coming tsunami. Because of last year's tragedy, we all know that in real life, the water recedes without any warning and comes crashing back down as one huge wall of water.

Upon waking up, I just had to look up tsunami in an online dream dictionary ( was the most helpful). Two different Web sites said practically the same thing about my tsunami dreams and I guess I was kinda relieved to know what they meant. Repression lang pala, not death or misfortune as I had feared. Whew. Haha. I hope this doesn't mean that for as long as I have repressed feelings, I'm going to continue having these nightmares! I hate that I have no control over my dreams. I guess the only thing I can do is try to "exorcise" my demons through prayer.


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